Increase Revenue Per Visitor

How Do You 4X Your Profits?

By learning how to increase your revenue per visitor. Read more below.
Conversion Optimization Consulting Formula

You can make more money from your online business in three ways:

  1. Get more visitors to your site.
  2. Convert more visitors into buyers.
  3. Make more over the lifetime of the customer.
Most focus their budget on acquiring more visitors like everyone else. But with higher ad costs and competition your revenue per visitor is diminishing. Hence why we should look at a different part of the marketing equation... your conversion rate.

Why is conversion so important?

Now, one of the great things about focusing on increasing the conversion rate is that the revenue increases. 

But if you increase the conversion rate by 20% in x months, then not only has the revenue increased, but the revenue per visitor has increased by 20%. 

And what that means is that suddenly you're able to spend more per visitor on acquiring visitors.
Profit With Conversion Rate
  • #1 Increase gross profits by 20%
  • Increase Revenue Per Visitor by 20%
  • Increase PPC spend by 20%
  • Attract the best affiliates
  • Natural SEO term 20% more valuable
  • Economic advantage over competition

How conversions affect PPC, SEO, affiliates, print, and other media.

With PPC, to be able to automatically spend 20% more per visitor (based on our example above) means you can automatically get more visitors. But it also means that you can outbid competitors. Not just on paid search, but also on affiliates marketing. You can outbid all of your competitors and get the best affiliates. And even SEO, suddenly a number 1 ranking becomes 20% more valuable to you.

The economics are the same with SEO. Your rankings becomes more valuable to you. And so you can afford to spend more on SEO and on any other kind of media — on print, on radio, TV. Everything suddenly changes economically.

Not only are you increasing revenue but a by-product is you're making a site your visitors will like and buy more from. Which increases word of mouth marketing and referrals.
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This is how you grow quicker & divide your costs upon a larger amount of customers.

However - before you dive in, there are a few things you should consider:
  1. How quickly will your tests reach statistical significance? (This affects your speed to ROI.)

  2. Is conversion rate optimization your lowest hanging fruit? (There are 4 other ways you could grow your business.)

  3. Where in your conversion funnel should you be focussing? (Some page types will give you a greater benefit than others.)

  4. Are your ROI expectations accurate? (When it comes to conversion, back of the napkin ROI calculations are very sexy, but sometimes misleading.)

Get A Free Optimization Strategy Session

We'll help you create a model of your business to show you the ROI you can expect to see with CRO consulting.

SEO Consulting Review
Kimberly MacAulay
Sales & Marketing Executive
Fresh Tracks Canada

We have experienced amazing results with conversions...

“They were quick to learn the business. And earned my trust and respect by delivering results quickly. An increase in gross profit and a decrease in cost per lead.

My team is stronger having worked with them. They've gained expertise from the shared knowledge and mentoring.

I have expanded my online marketing expertise. And developed a new respect and passion for optimization and SEO.

I'd absolutely recommend The Lean Optimizer. They're easy to work with, adaptable, and collaborative. Always having the best interest of the company in mind.”

What's Included With CRO Consulting?

Marketing Research

Includes everything we do from our marketing audits and research. 

GAP Analysis

Can visitors to your website find what they want?

Behavioural Funnel Analysis

Segmenting your funnel by behaviour and gaining insights.

Customer Journey Polls

Using golden questions to reveal exactly why your visitors aren’t converting.

Revenue Modelling

There are 4 levers you can pull to grow your business. Which one is right for you?

Landing Page Reviews

Analyzing the business and designing more effective landing pages.

Customer Psychograms

Shedding light on how your customers think and revealing their mental shopping list.

Value Proposition

We'll fix three of the most common problems with company value propositions.

A/B Testing

Everything covered in our A/B Testing service.

A/B Testing Ideas

A huge list of hypotheses for testing ranked by potential for impact.

Want to know how CRO consulting can help your business? Get In Touch Below:

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